The Town of Celebration was first built in 1994 and the Disney company brought together some of the world's foremost architects and urban planners for the job. Pictured here are the town hall with its delightfully modern reinterpratation of a New England structure and the quirky round post office.

Just beyond the town hall at the foot of the main shopping street

View from halfway up the observation Tower

This fountain is in the square between Town Hall and the Tower.

Colorful Main StreetBuildings

The Lake at the beginning of Main Street features a park with lookout and comfy rockers.

The fountain along the lake is timed for a number of liquid effects!

The town movie theater is nostalgically retro.

This alligator in the town lake is definitely not animatronic.

The Celebration Hotel is a popular retreat for the rich and famous.

Looking up main street from the lake side

Celebration Tower is almost a hundred feet high and features stunning views.